Hangin' Out

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So, this week there was big, huge, gargantuan, colossal, earth shaking news! The “Epstein Files” were going to be unsealed by a judge—dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnnnnnn—oh yes, sweet lady J would be coming soon and very soon because now all the pedos would be exposed and the truth would come to light and the whole crooked enterprise would be blasted!


I mean, that’s what was destined to happen, right?

Ohhhh, condescending laugh, my sweet, sweet babies, if you believed that all the dirt would be exposed in one shot then you need to take some cynicism pills to counteract all that naivete. The whole truth is never going to come out—and even if it does, it will come out in such a way that it will never be verifiable. Even IF someone who wants to tell all tells all that person will be discredited or will lack evidence.

You wanna know how I know? Because there were two people who presumably knew everything. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. One of them is dead and the other one, oddly enough, apparently had no evidence to give against anyone at all and the prosecutors just couldn’t be bothered to find out whom Epstein and Maxwell were providing underage girls for. They were prolly busy that day, the prolly skipped breakfast even, so we can’t blame them for not asking a known child trafficker whom she trafficked children to.

Now, maybe you’re one of those people who say, “Well, Luke, Epstein committed suicide and Maxwell just didn’t know anything else of value for the prosecutors to offer her a plea deal.” Uh huh, yep, how do boots taste? Do they taste good when you lick them? I always assumed patent leather would be bland and maybe a bit salty, but you lemme know.

Friends, think about it, the ONLY two people who knew it all are either dead or in prison. Neither of them have testified against any of their trafficking clients. Those facts ought to be enough to prove that we are never going to know everything. The most we’ll ever get is leaked information about certain individuals or groups when it’s convenient to blackmail them.

And you might say, “But Lukey, there can’t be any blackmail, because Epstein is dead.” Yep. And where do you think all his documents went? Brothers and sisters, I’ll never get over this fact that the FBI just “lost” all the tapes that Epstein had. They just went missing. The FBI came and found all these catalogued and categorized tapes—some apparently labeled with “evidence” on them—but they had to leave them at Epstein’s Manhattan residence for 4 days because, darn shucks, wouldn’t you know it, they had the wrong warrant. The warrant did not permit them to take evidence from the scene. Which is odd. I mean, why wouldn’t you get a warrant that permits you to take video evidence from the home?

It's also odd that it took them 4 days to get the appropriate warrant. 4 days? You’re telling me that with all the Judges with jurisdiction over Manhattan that it took 4 days to find one who would issue a new warrant that would allow them to take possession of tapes from the home of a child trafficker?

Also, you want me to believe that it’s just an accident that they didn’t station someone at the home to secure the property? It must just not have been that important. You have a child trafficker who was connected to some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world with boxes of CDs of video from the home and you’re just going to leave them there unaccompanied? Nobody is going to just hang out and make sure nobody breaks in and takes the evidence? Not important? Was everyone hungry? Did you all skip breakfast? Did you have more pressing matters to attend to?

Friends, one of two things has happened with the Jeffrey Epstein case vis-à-vis the FBI. EITHER, the FBI is helping to keep things hushed up so that domestic intelligence agencies can continue to use the evidence he collected as blackmail. OR, they are so monumentally incompetent that it beggars the imagination.

And, frankly, at this level of incompetence, I’m not sure which is worse! If FBI agents really think that just leaving all this evidence unaccompanied was safe, then they’re either corrupt or stupid. You might say, “Oh, Luke, what are you suggesting? That the wealthy, powerful elites who presumably are caught on tape doing illegal things would try to break in and steal the evidence?” Yes. Yes that’s exactly what I’m suggesting. I’m suggesting that pedophiles are not going to be put off by a little bit of breaking and entering. If you’re going to plunder an underage girl’s body, you’re certainly going to effect a robbery to save your own skin.

You say, “Well, Luke that sounds like a conspiracy. What evidence do you have?”



Now the FBI claims that Epstein’s lawyer took it all, but he brought it all back, so it’s OK.



Hahahahahahahahahaah! OK, sure, tell me another one!

It’s OK guys, the lawyer for the blackmailing pedophile who took all the blackmail evidence totally brought it all back when the FBI asked for it. Yes. Mhm. Yep. That’s what happened.

And you know what—even if he did—I’m sure that he didn’t copy that blackmail evidence. No, no. Not a chance. There’s no way to copy a DVD after all! Oh wait, it’s ludicrously easy.

Funny thing is, if the FBI DID actually get all these CDs and all these data and all this evidence back, that was in 2019!

Has the FBI brought any criminal charges against anyone? No? Huh, that’s odd. Kinda weird right. I mean, I guess that means that those tapes didn’t contain any evidence of any criminal activity. Cause the FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door pull at a NASCAR garage clearly has enough manpower to watch these CDs and bring charges, in the course of over 4 years, right.

Then again, maybe the FBI’s all been so busy with January 6. Or maybe there are more Catholic parishes they need to infiltrate. Maybe they’re all really sleepy. Maybe the FBI was up late with a crying baby and is having trouble focusing on work for nearly 5 years. It happens, right. They’re prolly hungry—I bet they skipped breakfast and now have to leave early for a soccer game.

Brothers and sisters, we little people, we peons, we are never going to see justice done in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Oh sure, here and there we’ll get tossed some red meat when the blackmail is selectively used to take out people who have become enemies to the elite or who have outlived their usefulness. And by the way, I know I’ve talked about this before, but make no mistake about this. The elites, the deep state, the swamp, the permanent bureaucracy, and their friends in big business and media, make no mistake, there is no loyalty among thieves.

Those who are members of the elites are always one mistake away from being tossed to the wolves. Once you outlive your usefulness, you are gotten rid of. And this getting rid of serves two functions—one, it keeps the troops in line; and two, it convinces the peasants that there is real justice and an actual chance that there is equal justice under law in this country.

But that’s not true and anyone with a brain knows it isn’t true. Now, don’t get me wrong; equal justice under law is a great, noble, and godly aspiration. And I truly believe that a huge number, if not the majority, perhaps even the vast majority, of those in law enforcement—including the FBI—and prosecutors and in the courts really do desire to see equal justice under law. I think that the majority probably do. They really want to work for justice.

But it doesn’t take an awful lot of bad apples to ruin the whole barrel. In fact, I’m pretty sure that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. Because that’s the nature of corruption. Rot spreads. And for better and for worse, rot cannot remain hidden forever. Eventually the rot is exposed. Always, the rot is exposed. Eventually a corrupt and rotten system will be shown for what it is, either by those fighting corruption from the inside or from external forces from the outside like war.

Our system is rotten. Oh, sure there’s plenty ‘a good wood in there, but there is so much rot that one wonders if the building can be salvaged.

Again, I know that there are people out there who are thinking, “OK Luke, sure, it does really look bad, but you don’t KNOW that Epstein had blackmail that’s now fallen into Government hands.” Sure, I don’t KNOW that in the same way that I don’t KNOW that the world is round or that Japan is a place that exists. Sure, I’ve never been to space to check for myself, but to believe that the world is flat is so preposterous and idiotic that I’ll believe the world is round all the same thanks. And No, I’ve never been to Japan. But I’ve seen an awful lot of convincing evidence, including my Aunt Yoshika who claims to have come from Japan—I found her testimony rather credible.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of well meaning people out there who confuse certainty with sufficiency. Just because we don’t have certain evidence that Epstein was collecting blackmail information and that that blackmail is now in the hands of US intelligence agencies doesn’t mean we don’t have sufficient evidence.

Friends, what’s the alternative? That Epstein was a child trafficker who had reams of DVDs and they all contained no crime? That the FBI just happened to have the wrong warrant, darn shucks, and needed 4 days to get a new one and left nobody to watch the files and then when the files went missing, they got them all back, but just haven’t had time to do anything with them? That’s the alternative.

And that would require a level of gross incompetence that strains, nay shatters, credulity. It beggars the imagination to think that the FBI could be that incompetent. Now, you might say, “But Luke, if it is a cover-up that would mean that a huge number of FBI agents need to be involved in a cabal.” No it doesn’t. I’m sure that a lot of well meaning and justice seeking people worked the Epstein case. But there is such a thing as being stonewalled. And moreover, anyone who’s watched a cop-drama about cops on a crooked force know that there’s always the fresh-faced rookie who wants to turn the whole thing in to Internal Affairs and the hard-bitten, world-weary, cynical, 6-months-till-retirement sergeant or detective or whatever tells ole fresh-face to “not ask questions you don’t want the answers to.”

Lots of people tolerate corruption by engaging in self-imposed plausible deniability. It’s also known as burying your head in the sand. Or just yelling, Sergeant Schultz style, “I see nusink!” Now, not having certainty of corruption does not give them a moral get-out-of-jail free card. You can know without knowing. But again, that’s just one more piece of evidence that the system is corrupt. When there are good men and women who just keep their heads down and try to do their bit and not worry about things above their pay grade, they become bad men and bad women because they have become complicit in the scheme.

I’m sure that exposing corruption exposes the whistleblower to significant personal and professional danger. Absolutely. And I’m sure fighting corruption is dangerous and trying work that requires great courage. But if you don’t have the courage to police the police then you lack the honor and the moral authority to police anyone else! As we saw in the Uvalde Elementary shooting, there were a whole lot of guys who are awfully tough with their badges and guns and tasers and batons and their sunglasses and dip when their intimidating a soccer-mom who didn’t properly signal before turning left, but who were utter cowards when called to risk their lives to save children. If you don’t have the courage to risk your life to save children, then you do not have the moral authority to enforce the law. If you lack the courage to take personal risks to enforce the law, then you lack the moral authority to enforce the law—full stop.

The problem is that we have a lot of people who have exchanged professionalism for morality. They’ve traded credentials for personal honor. They have chosen career over righteousness. And no amount of slick suits and Ivy League degrees can wash away the shame that comes from failing to do your duty.

But we accept this as a culture because we’re a culture of cowards. We’re a society of feeble, emasculated, weaklings too pusillanimous to take risks. We have no honor. Yes, I use that word repeatedly and deliberately and specifically. We have no honor. It’s a concept that our society has forgotten—rather not forgotten—excised from out public consciousness. We don’t think about honor because we don’t want to think about honor because we don’t want to think that such a thing as honor exists. We want to pretend that honor and shame are bronze age conceptions that have no functional correspondence to reality. But they’re real. And we hate them. And we hate the idea of honor and shame because we have no honor and we’re being crushed under the staggering load of shame that is grinding us into powder. A nation of oath-breaking, cowardly, selfish, narcissistic, murderous, drugged-up, deviant, decadent, addled, chronic masturbators.

Friends, we have a corrupt government because we’re a corrupt people; our cops are cowards because we’re cowards; our elites get by with their shameful behavior because we as a nation are burdened under a stupefying load of shame ourselves.

We have corruption because we’re cowards, and we’re cowards because we have no honor, and we have no honor because we’re shamed, shameful, and in denial of it. And all this is because we have rejected Christ.

Without Christ this is what we’ll have. Without Christ all you get in government is a pack of power-hungry blackmailers and the cowards and useful idiots who are just working for retirement trying not to make waves. Without Christ our society will continue to degenerate into a bunch of degenerates who lack the moral authority to even be outraged by the gross corruption of our government.

But this need not be our doom. We can turn. Even now we can turn to Christ and have him bear away our shame and clothe us in dignity and honor and give us good cheer, help us take heart, and by the Spirit’s power we will have the courage to live for Christ in a corrupt age.